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Showing posts from August, 2016


IT WORKS (HSN) HAIR, SKIN,NAIL, VITAMINS. Ok guys lets talk about these product that claim to make hair grow. Now scientifically speaking there is nothing that actually makes hair grow. Which is an absolute bummer! However, there are products that can contribute  to the production of a healthy environment that promotes growth. It works was introduced to me maybe a month ago. I saw it on Instagram i was sucked in by a hair growth challenge. In order to be apart of this challenge you had to use It Work HSN. So I did some research and decided to purchase these vitamins. I've used these for a month. The challenge is for 3 months. First let's talk about price. Now they are on the more pricey side of the scale.  I believe they are $ 50 bucks and if you sign up  for the loyal  customer membership  you pay $ 33 plus shipping.  Now what they didn't tell me was that this was agreeing to auto buy this product for the next three months. I was a little pissed that they p


curl former dupes  results


Starter Kit For Transitioning No one tells you this when you start , when you ;look on youtube and google your life away you find all kinds of mumbo jumbo that they say you should try from product and techniques. Then they show pics of the healthy hair they have now and don't tell what they did to achieve their beautiful maine. It really kind of pisses me off because I'm trying to get there and you all don't  want to give up the tapes! They just say do a big chop! Hell naw! I'm not down with the TWA movement more power to you all but that's not going to work for me. Then they say “oh girl you can transition” and show you a list of expensive products and their twist out video. I was so lost I didn't  have a clue. So after long nights of research and trial and error I figured that to start off I did not need Ms. Jesse , nor did I need  Ms. Carol or her daughter ! So in effort to help my sisters in the beginning of the transition I created a starter kit.

Where am I going ? How did I get here?

The reason that I started to transition.....       I had been at a job where all of my time went into it and before all of that I am a single mom. So I started to let my self go the main thing to go was my hair. Didn't take care of it at all just through it onto a ponytail and went. my hair was soooo dry and falling out of my head in clumps. still the light bulb had not come on I counted all to the weather changing to winter. Like that was something that is suppose to happen.     My hair had gotten so bad that it was broke in the middle and there was nothing i could do. So  I started to wear wigs and it only had gotten worst  to the point that there was i thought I would have had to chop it all off. So I started to do some research on how to save my strands. F irst thing that I came ac cross was deep conditioning now I knew that was important but i didn't know how much. i would do it every now and then when i wanted that extra bounce in my hair because it maid it really l