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Black / White head home remedy treatment

I always love to find at home fix its and remedies because they are inexpensive and easily made. This home remedy consist of two things that everyone has in there home, well at least they should. Salt and tooth paste. Yes that's right salt and tooth paste can help the reduction of black head and white head production on you face. This mixture acts as an exfoliate. An exfoliate helps to clear the pores of access oils and dead skin. Good ones leave your skin feeling refreshed and looking healthy and bright. so since this one seem simple enough I figured I would try this and if it worked bring it to you guys. Both myself and my sister tried this remedy so that I could give a view of the effect on more than just one skin type. my skin type is dark but smooth. I have never really been acne prone or have had massive break outs. my problem areas are more so huge pores. My sister on the other had is a lighter brown tone. she has some acne issues every now and then however, again neither of us have acne to the point where we use prescription drugs to treat any issues. On darker skin I applied the mixture on to my entire face keeping it away from the eye area. You really do not want to get salt or tooth paste into your eyes! After applying this mixture onto the face I really concentrated on my problem areas like my chin and nose area. I call these my concentrated areas because these are the areas that I have the most problems with so I want to give them a little more attention. Once I extra applied the mixture onto the "concentration areas" in circle motions with the tips of my finger I rubbed my face not to ruff being sure not to break the skin for about 1-2 min. Once I worked all of the face and my "concentration areas " I this my face sit with the mix for about 5-7min. Then I rinsed with warm water you are going to want to us warm water because you face is going to feel so cold because of the refreshing tooth paste effect. SOOOO....after taking of the mixture m face felt really cool and refreshed. which I really like the sensation. Also once dried my face with a warm towel. I noticed that my face was really fresh looking the skin was bright a radiant, it really had this awake glow about it. I was really pleased with the out come of this experiment. Even on my sister's face with the some acne it didn't take away the break outs that she was having away. However, we did see the inflammation go down in the ones that she did have. HERE'S HOW ~2-3Table spoons of salt ~4 Table spoons of tooth paste any brand I used Colgate baking soda & peroxide whitening no real reason this is just what I have in my bathroom. ~1 small bowl or dish to mix in. ~1 plastic fork or spoon to mix with. ~1 towel ~ whatever face hydration you use daily **** I use a little natural raw she butter which can be bought in the ethnic sections of supermarket. This is optional! however, this is a product that I use everyday. It really good with treating dark spot eczema , give the skin a lot of elasticity and helps the skin to produce collagen.


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