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Here we go gang! You all saw the pictures, those curl were everything. My fro was over everything. I think easily that these were my best curls ever with the curlformers dupes. I mean I did get great curls each time . well…… except for that time i didn't have enough time to let them set and dry. But they always come out sooo……

First glance:

The come in different colors for the  length the longer ones come in blue, green, pink and orange.These are meant for the longer length hair. The shorter ones come in pink and orange. They also come with a wand in each bag they you buy. I bought two of both the long and short curl former dupe. Now the first mistake that I made was I got the shorter ones thinking that they were going to be it because to me my hair wasn't that long. Well guess what once i got them i ran up stairs pulled out some flaxseed gel and coconut oil and dug in I couldn't wait to get these curls pooping.
Started to put them in my hair using the lock method to make sure they were shiny and my curls were moist. I layered the water with my spray bottle , them my coconut oil because you know we got to have that then my leave in and last my styler the flaxseed gel. I noticed that the ends of my hair were hanging out. At first I was like whattttt!then i figured it out and just adjusted them down the shaft of my hair to insure an even curl down to the end of my hair. And they worked out pretty well.
  1. Section the hair into parts 4,3,2,6 whatever usually works for you.
  2. Then you will part the sections into rows the same you would do for some twist of of plats.
  3. On those smaller section you are going to apply the curl former
Guys the curl former slides the wand , taking the latch hook part of the wand insert hair into the opening at the roots of close to the scalp .once hair is in position pull the hair through the curlformer to the end and released. Repeat this process until entire head or section is in  the curlformer.

Pros: the thing that I had like most was  that you could set your hair starting from both dry and wet hair. I normally like to do any type of roller set from stretched hair I just feel like the curls don't get as frizzy vs. unstretched hair. The plastic that they are made from. It would seem to be hard on the hair. However, the stiffness actually seems to stretch the hair out while the curls are setting. Giving them much definitions. You can wear them big like a fro which happened to be my favorite. Or you can wear them straight from the roller for a neat a classic look. The curls are bouncey and they keep their shine.

I did notice that while i was installing them sometimes my hair would get stuck and even tangled in the curl former. For me the installation is a bit time consuming because you have to be very careful and take you time to insure your not breaking any of your strands nor are you damaging your maine. Sleeping with them at first was not so great but after a few times you realize what way to sleep to make it through the night. My advise would be to put them in the morning if you can and have them in during the day maybe even if you do them the day before your want to wear them. And take the curlformers out and then put a satin cap. Which they had come in better case for storage  i had  to buy one. Well I guess you get what you pay for.

Over all I can say that I really do love these dupes. The produce great curls and they hold up pretty well. They are easy get I've bought four packs of these . and they are almost my go to style. I like these better than flexi rods, because of  the definition that i get from using these. They work on wet or dry hair. They curls are stretched so I can enjoy my length. I recommend these to anyone who is tired of twist outs and and bantu knots. Try these to get that fresh new look that your are looking for.


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